Diagnostica per immagini 3

Il Centro dispone di due apparecchiature di Risonanza Magnetica all’avanguardia per indagini di tutto il corpo, con e senza mezzo di contrasto.

In particolare, il Centro è dotato di una Risonanza ad alto campo (1,5 T) ed una Risonanza Magnetica aperta.

Esami eseguiti con Risonanza Magnetica ad alto campo:

  • Angio Rm del distretto vascolare intracranico
  • Angio Rm dei vasi del collo
  • Rm Encefalo
  • Rm Massiccio Facciale
  • Rm Collo
  • Rm Rachide (Cervicale, Dorsale, Lombosacrale)
  • Rm Addome Superiore
  • Rm Addome Inferiore
  • Rm Mammaria
  • Colangio – RM
  • Rm Muscolo-Scheletrica (Spalla, Braccio, Gomito, Avambraccio, Polso, Mano, Bacino, Articolazione Coxo-femorale, Sacro-Iliache, Femore, Ginocchio, Gamba, Tibio-tarsica, Piede)

Esami eseguiti con Risonanza Magnetica aperta:

  • Angio Rm del distretto vascolare intracranico
  • Angio Rm dei vasi del collo
  • Rm Encefalo
  • Rm Massiccio Facciale
  • Rm Collo
  • Rm Rachide (Cervicale, Dorsale, Lombosacrale)
  • Rm Addome Inferiore
  • Rm Muscolo-Scheletrica (Spalla, Braccio, Gomito, Avambraccio, Polso, Mano, Bacino, Articolazione Coxo-femorale, Sacro-Iliache, Femore, Ginocchio, Gamba, Tibio-tarsica, Piede)

Tutti gli esami possono essere eseguiti in modalità diretta o con la somministrazione di mezzo di contrasto e vengono forniti su supporto DVD.

Quali sono le caratteristiche tecniche della TAC Aquilion Prime 80 strati?

L’Aquilion Prime è una TAC con 80 detettori i quali rilevano le radiazioni che attraversano il corpo umano e che tramite degli innovativi software portano ad una maggiore qualità della immagine. L’elevata tecnologia racchiusa nella macchina determina una netta riduzione dei tempi di esecuzione dell’esame, si pensi che per eseguire un esame TAC del torace e dell’addome basta un unico respiro di circa 6-9 secondi, con un elevatissimo dettaglio anatomico e con uno spessore tra ogni singola “fetta” di 0,5 millimetri.

Quali sono i vantaggi per i pazienti che si sottopongono ad un esame TAC eseguito con l’Aquilion Prime 80 strati?

L’Aquilion prime 80 strati ha come principale punto di forza una drastica riduzione della dose di radiazioni che avviene grazie ad un sofisticato software ADIR-3D e ad un innovativo brevetto SUREExposure Adaptive 3D che permette una riduzione del 75% della dose rispetto alle apparecchiature convenzionali. Si pensi a tutti i pazienti oncologici che devono sottoporsi a più controlli TAC per monitorare il decorso e/o la terapia. Questa è una tecnologia particolarmente avanzata in campo radiologico perfettamente in linea con le direttive internazionali ALARA (AsLowReasonablyAchievable), secondo cui la dose somministrata deve essere la minima indispensabile per ottenere il miglior risultato, e con la direttiva EURATOM del 05/12/2013, che stabilisce norme fondamentali di sicurezza relative alla protezione contro i pericoli derivanti dall’esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti ai pazienti nelle indagini radiologiche.

Esami eseguiti:

  • ANGIO-TC (Torace, Addome, Collo, Cranio, Arti inferiori ed Arti superiori)
  • URO-TC
  • TC Encefalo
  • TC Massiccio Facciale
  • TC Orecchio
  • TC Collo
  • TC Torace
  • TC Reni
  • TC Addome Superiore
  • TC Addome Inferiore
  • TC Addome Completo
  • TC Rachide (Cervicale, Dorsale, Lombosacrale)
  • TC Arto Superiore
  • TC Arto Inferiore
  • TAGT del ginocchio
  • TC Bacino
  • TC Arcate Dentarie con Dentalscan

Tutti gli esami possono essere eseguiti in modalità diretta o con la somministrazione di mezzo di contrasto, inoltre si possono effettuare ricostruzioni tridimensionali e vengono forniti su supporto DVD.


Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery can help your dreams of parenthood come true. Our partnership with Mayo Clinic allows us to provide referrals when advanced reproductive techniques are required.

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met to promote healing and recovery. Dignity and respect are foundational values that guide our work.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic care to restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. Care may include exercise, training in activities of daily living and education. Our team works in collaboration with other specialties to offer comprehensive care and quickly restore you to your optimal health.

(+555) 959-595-959

Antonella De Figlio



Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery can help your dreams of parenthood come true. Our partnership with Mayo Clinic allows us to provide referrals when advanced reproductive techniques are required.

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met to promote healing and recovery. Dignity and respect are foundational values that guide our work.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic care to restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. Care may include exercise, training in activities of daily living and education. Our team works in collaboration with other specialties to offer comprehensive care and quickly restore you to your optimal health.

(+555) 959-595-959

Armando Spagnuolo



Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery can help your dreams of parenthood come true. Our partnership with Mayo Clinic allows us to provide referrals when advanced reproductive techniques are required.

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met to promote healing and recovery. Dignity and respect are foundational values that guide our work.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic care to restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. Care may include exercise, training in activities of daily living and education. Our team works in collaboration with other specialties to offer comprehensive care and quickly restore you to your optimal health.

(+555) 959-595-959

Antonio Del Gaudio



Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery can help your dreams of parenthood come true. Our partnership with Mayo Clinic allows us to provide referrals when advanced reproductive techniques are required.

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met to promote healing and recovery. Dignity and respect are foundational values that guide our work.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic care to restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. Care may include exercise, training in activities of daily living and education. Our team works in collaboration with other specialties to offer comprehensive care and quickly restore you to your optimal health.

(+555) 959-595-959

Sandro Tarantino



Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery can help your dreams of parenthood come true. Our partnership with Mayo Clinic allows us to provide referrals when advanced reproductive techniques are required.

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met to promote healing and recovery. Dignity and respect are foundational values that guide our work.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic care to restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. Care may include exercise, training in activities of daily living and education. Our team works in collaboration with other specialties to offer comprehensive care and quickly restore you to your optimal health.

(+555) 959-595-959

Debora Di Iorio


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